One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
A male student checks in to University Medical Services for an appointment

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I go to University Medical Services (UMS) if I have a 医疗紧急情况?

You should always call 911 for any 医疗紧急情况, but if you are close to UMS and need assistance, we can help. UMS can provide first aid and basic life support for a 医疗紧急情况 until EMS arrives.

What if I get sick when UMS is closed?

Physicians are available at local hospitals and Urgent Care facilities after-hours and on weekends. 看到 设施一览表.

I have a special medical condition that requires monitoring or routine check-ups. Can I get assistance with this at UMS?

是的, in most special medical condition cases, the nurses and physicians can assist you throughout your college experience at Cedarville University. We recommend that you telephone UMS by dialing the extension # 7863, or just call 937-766-7863 from your cell phone. Most conditions can be monitored at UMS in collaboration with your physician back home.

Should college students get the meningitis vaccine?

Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial infection of the membranes around the brain and spinal cord that is fatal in approximately 10% of cases. It is spread through contact such as kissing, sharing kitchen utensils like drinking glasses, 和打喷嚏. The American College Health Association and the Centers for Disease Control recommend that college students who are freshmen and live in a dormitory get the meningitis vaccine.

Should I keep any nonprescription medications in my residence hall room?

Most college health clinics are not open 24 hours per day, and many times an illness does not warrant a trip in for simple things such as headaches, 抽筋, 或者轻微的感冒. The nurses and physicians have listed below a few helpful items that you might want to consider as a "First Aid Kit" for your residence hall room:

  • Headache medication such as Tylenol® or Advil®
  • Allergy medications such as Benadryl®
  • Diarrhea tablets such as Imodium®
  • Travel sickness pills such as Dramamine® or Bonine®
  • Antacid tablets such as Tums® or Mylanta®
  • Pepto-Bismol® for minor indigestion
  • Band-Aids® and antibiotic cream
  • Cortaid® cream for minor poison ivy or other rashes
  • Cold medications such as Tylenol® Cold and Sinus
  • Cough medications such as Robitussin® DM
  • Sinus medications such as Sudafed®

What is a 医疗紧急情况?

Emergencies are not always obvious. You should call 911 from any campus phone if you think you are having a 医疗紧急情况. The following is a list of possible serious medical conditions or potentially life-threatening symptoms that might require the care of a physician or emergency room:

  • 胸部疼痛
  • Confusion or severe weakness
  • Disoriented, slurred speech
  • Violent or aggressive behavior
  • 骨折
  • 出血
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Neck pain or neck stiffness, especially when it is associated with fever and a rash
  • 癫痫发作
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • 严重的头痛
  • Severe pain, numbness, discoloration, or coldness of any part of your body
  • Shortness of breath
  • Trauma where there is neck or back pain or the victim can't move
  • Vomiting blood or passing blood in stool

Note: This is not a complete list of medical concerns or emergencies. If you are uncertain about your condition, you should call UMS by dialing the extension # 7863, or just call 937-766-7863 from your cell phone during normal business hours or call a local ER. For medical emergencies, call 911 from any campus phone.